1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why Bother

I am so frustrated with some of my fellow countrymen. It used to be that there were a few fringe nut jobs that would claim outlandish conspiracy theories. In the late 20th century, Movie makers began to lead the nuts. They have given us conspiracy movies like JFK (good, but ludicrous), Inconvenient Truth, and the like. Now we have the Internet movie Loose Change. It claims to be a documentary and also claims to prove that the U.S. Government was behind 9-11. This claim crosses the line of ludicrous and unpatriotic to, what I believe, damaging to the Country.

It would be great if the Nation was made up of semi-intellectual individuals. It's not!! Instead, we have a large minority of mindless lemmings that actually believe most of what they watch and see on TV, in movies and on the Internet.

Knowing this, I am now going to publish my list of truths and hope these dim whits get it:

  • JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Al Gore has the same scientific knowledge as the inventor of the Internet. Oh wait, he claims to be the one that did that.
  • Islamic terrorists killed 3,000 countrymen without our help.
  • Saddam Hussein did everything he could to make us, and many other nations believe he STILL had chemical weapons and he and his Country suffered for his gamble.
  • The holocaust really happened.
  • Michael Jackson did have plastic surgery.
  • Anna Nicole was stupid.
  • Elvis is dead (sorry seven).
  • Jane Fonda is a traitor.
  • And I am done.

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