1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Friday, May 02, 2008


I have tried to be supportive of Bush. I am even TRYING to like McCain. However, the stupidity of people never seems to amaze me. Take Bush and his "stimulus package". The stimulus dollars given to the American people, even those that don't pay taxes, is funded out of debt. Therefore, China is actually giving us our tax refund checks. How stupid is that? Then there is McCain and Hillary who are pushing a gas tax holiday. Only two things will happen if there is a gas tax holiday. 1) The benefit will never make it to the consumer or 2) it will make it to the consumer and consumer will CONSUME more gas therefore driving up the price. Right?
Look, I know the economy is tough for some folks right now. The main reason for this is we are all very irresponsible with our money (or more specifically with the banks' money) and we spend more than we have. The other reason for the economic woes is something called the cyclical nature of economics. What goes up must come down. For the last two years the Fed and our government have artificially delayed the inevitable. Recessions happen and a recession is not the end of the world. It is inevitable. At some point you have to the pay the piper.
Trying to stay in office, or get elected is a STUPID reason to screw around with the American people.

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