1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ellen and Gay Marriage

You have to give it to McCain. He showed guts in going on a show like the Ellen show yesterday (see clip). Ellen took him on regarding his opposition to gay marriage. She likened his position to the way Black's were treated during the 60's. The position is appalling. Black people are a race of people. Blacks were treated like they were not human. Blacks were not granted the same civil rights that people like me have always enjoyed.

Homosexuals are not a race of people. They have never been asked to sit at the back of the bus, to use a different restroom, to enter public buildings through a different door. They have never been denied the right to vote or told they could not attend the same school as other kids. When have homosexuals been sprayed with fire hoses in the streets or arrested because they walked into a restaurant?

No "right" has ever been taken away from homosexuals. The fact is, marriage was never meant for same sex couples. Marriage has always been for one man and one woman. Ellen's argument could be used by the polygamists and pedophiles but the fact is it just doesn't hold water. And it is an insult to people who have had to struggle for true equal rights.

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