1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth Day - - Give Me A Break

I know I'll probably get punted from blogger by dogging the host but when I saw this picture, I wanted to puke. Tree huggers at Google set up the web page title as a melting ice berg. I have spent a significant time pointing out the idiocy of the global warming fear mongers but it seems that logic doesn't factor into this discussion.

We have scientist that cannot accurately predict the weather a day before it happens telling us that the environmental end is coming. So today I want to celebrate the voices of the environment and show everyone the common theme:

Al Gore - Inventor of the Internet and political voice of "the cause". Gore has been pointed out as a hypocrite with his own carbon use.

Sheryl Crow - Singer, tree hugger, that's about it.

Alec Baldwin - loving father, political genius and amazing actor (insert sarcasm here).

Barbara Streisand - funny face, shallow mind.

John Travolta - Truly seems to care about the cause, just as long he doesn't have to give up his carbon puking jet commercial size jet that he regularly flies around the world.

The common factors for this group is one thing. (THIS IS WHERE I WILL GET RAILED) They are all are hypocritical on the subject of the environment, they all dismiss the logic of environmental change being cyclical and finally they all are consistent in their humanistic arrogance fully dismissing the power of God in everything.

To say humans are THE sole cause for changes in the Earth's temperature is ludicrous. Do we influence the environment? Yes. Do humans abuse the environment? In some ways, yes. But to say we are changing the Earth's temperature is tantamount to claiming that the earth is flat. Remember, at one point that was a fact also...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, okay Coach. I've thought long and hard about this post. And I guess I'm just tired of hearing both sides of this issue point at each other and yell "Hypocrite!" at each other.

There seem to be two choices among celebrities and politicos. One option is; you don't believe global warming exists (or at least isn’t the fault of people), and you therefore shouldn’t be concerned and should decry any proposed changes. Or…you do believe global warming is caused only by people, and then the only choice is for everyone to immediately start riding bio-diesel powered public transportation and eating locally grown tofu. In the public realm at least, there doesn’t seem to be any in-between, just shouts that the other side is wrong and hypocritical. It would be nice to see someone propose something that is reasonable and seeks to empower individuals to act on their own. I don’t think that everyone has to cast their ballot on whether or not they believe humanity causes global warming in order to behave in a nicer, greener way.

So lighten up.