1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written: "No eye has seen,no ear has heard,no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Death of the News Reporter

When I was younger, you would come home and turn on the evening news to learn what happened during the day. Now you come home to find out what the reporters think of the news.

I have waited a few days, out of respect, to give opinion regarding the Virginia Tech Massacre. I will wait a few more days to comment on the actual event, but I can wait no longer to comment on the media "coverage" of the tragedy.

It was bad enough that, less than 12 hours after the shootings, Bill O'Reilly, a true commentator, criticized the school's response to the crisis. I thought that was classless and I like O'Reilly. It was the reporters on the ground that truely made me angry. It was Ann Curry, Heraldo Rivera and the like that tried to explain all of the errors that were made. They were quick to place blame on they system, the school, Cho's friend's and family without placing blame where it squarely belonged. On the shoulders of the killer.

Civility has been lost in television media. Reporters have been replaced by "expert commentators". Everyone wants to be Rush Limbaugh. Everyone wants to tell you and me why are government, our police, our churches and our beliefs are wrong.

Yes, Viriginia Tech was a tragedy. Unfortunately, the tragedy continues in our media.

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